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Why is there a heart-shaped card on my desk O'Neil?

Image result for love letter military

O'Neil? Care to explain this?

It looks like a Valentine's Day card, sir.

I know that. I have eyes.

And what a beautiful pair of peeps you have sir! The crows feet around the corners must come from years of joyous laughter with friends and family.

I would love to tell you that this is the case, but the crow's feet come from the depths of my frustration, which is mostly derived by your incompetence, O'Neil.

I know you act gruff, but deep down, you have a heart of gold. I have faith in your, sir.

Your faith is misplaced, much like the items you have misplaced over the years.

It's not good to dwell on the past. Live in the now.

Speaking of which, is this card your handiwork?

It seems you have a secret admirer sir! Ain't love grand?

It's not much of a secret since I know this comes from you.

Me? Oh no sir. Although I am a great admirer of your accomplishments, I can neither confirm nor deny to the be author of all the teeny-tiny hearts that your admirer has drawn over the "i"'s in your love letter.

I haven't even shown you the insides of the card, and yet you already know too much about the script style. This is definitely you.

A lucky guess! My theory is that you have caught of attention of someone from another department. Maybe Beatrice from the Black Ops division.

We are not to speak of Beatrice. She is in deeply covert operations!

Maybe she deeply covets your love and attention, sir! Crack open your heart and let the love flow!

The only cracking I'm seeing in the future is your skull from the passionate impact of my fist. Admit it: you put this on my desk!

Or... maybe it's from Bryce down in maintenance! I've noticed him winking at you in the slyest of ways.

Bryce? That grease monkey? I barely know the guy!

My intuition tells me he would love to adjust your manifold, if you know what I mean.

Stop wiggling your eyebrows at me! I know this card came from you!

Wishful thinking sir. What proof could you possibly have?

You made the card from the letter that was issued to you from your last mission briefing. It has your signature on it!

So it does! Clearly, you are trained by the world's greatest detective.

I don't need to be Batman to know you're an idiot, O'Neil.

I saw you at the Christmas party. You know how to strut a mean Bat-usi! Adam West has nothing on you.

Speaking of detective work, aren't you supposed to be in the interrogation room?

One could argue I'm being interrogated right now by you, which would make this the interrogation room, so the answer would be Yes.

Not here! That spy we caught and locked in interrogation room 3. You were supposed to be questioning him to find out what he knows!

Oh yeah... That guy. You'd think he'd still be in that room, right?

I would. I would think that, since it was the one job you had to accomplish today. Just sit in that room and ask him a few questions and extract information.

My social skills are legendary, sir.

Murdoch:  [checking the surveillance feed]
Wait... why is our prisoner no longer in Interrogation Room 3?

Yeah... funny story... I learned an important lesson today.

What lesson is that?

It turns out that a chocolate confection can completely masked the taste of knock-out serum.

Oh no... You had one job, O'Neil!

I'm a romantic, sir! And it turns out that the spy was very ... flexible!

Flexible? What the hell are you talking about?!

He somehow got out of his restraints, but instead of running, he produced a tiny box of chocolates and wished me a happy Valentine's day! How could I resist?

Damn you, O'Neil.
[slowly crumples up the card]


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